The Olive Tree Museum of Vouves, which technically is not part of the Kissamos municipality – but worth visiting, is mainly focusing in preserving and promoting all the characteristic aspects of the life of the people of this area, as well as those of the people of Crete and Greece in general in relation to the olive tree.
This includes soil cultivation, planting, pruning, harvesting of the valuable crop, storage and transfer of the crop to the olive mills, pressing etc.
The olive tree is part of our daily routine, our nutrition, our celebrations, and, of course, our athletic events, where it symbolizes glory. More generally, the olive tree is known to stand for beauty, peace, friendship and civilization.
In the Museum you will have the opportunity to see equipment from a different area including:
How To Get There
A 30 min drive in one of the most travelled roads in Chania with a lot of nice stops to make if time allows it.